Friday, 27 May 2011


The game which originated in India thousands of years ago is making a come back in its birthplace with a BANG! With a World Champion to fight its cause, it is taking giant steps towards re-conquering the ever innovative minds of Indians or rather the minds of its inventors! More & more people are getting involved in the game.....Thousands of kids are being sent to the Chess Training Centres, all over India! It is the Re-emergence of Chess in India, after a very long time!

The game which nourishes one's brain & mind has always been there in the Life of Indians all these millennia! The game was taught in the Oldest of the Universities of the World, Nalanda & Taxila, in the golden days of Bharat - as India was called in those days! It was a part of the curriculum in India, thousands of years ago, as people even in those days too, as is the case with the present day generation, knew the great things the Great Game instilled in one's life!

Full Article HERE 

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